Proposal by Erwan Douaille for UIPainter

Proposed by Erwan Douaille (profile, biography)

How will I do that project

I will come in the RMOD team at Lille (easy way if i encounter problems and i will have a real time feedback about my work), and i will work at least 30 hours a week.

My main inspiration will be already existing things like eclipse GUI for android or apple UI designer, exemple here :
UIBuilder is an already existing thing in Pharo 1.0 and i will have a look on it.
Of course this projects will be huge, so i will proceed step by step and the final goal is to have something useable

What methodologies will I use

As i said this project will be huge and the most important thing is to impose myself deadlines. Each week i have to obtain what i expected. 

I have to improve the roadmap with my mentors ( Esteban Lorenzano and Stéphane Ducasse).

Suggested timeline and milestones

  1. have a window with widgets and the renderer windows
  2. improve drag and drop things 
  3. add more stuff and more possibilties for the final user
  4. Write documentations and make demos will be the final step :)

Where I see the risks

I'm learning Spec and i have to look on Magritte.

Risk :

  • Drag and drop stuff
  • generic UI
  • Spec comportment :)

How the results will look like

I want something like eclipse gui tools for android. A simple way to create gui without care with wich variables codes it depends 

look likelook like

Something similar :)

Updated: 2.5.2013