Biography for Erwan Douaille

Briefly about me

My name is Erwan Douaille, 23 years old and i'm living in France at Lille

About my study

I completed my DUT computing science (equivalent : HND) and I'm currently in last year of computing science licence at Lille 1.

I've learned Smalltalk with the RMoD team (5 month internship), C before my A-level and python by myself after my A-level.

My interests

Video game of course, particularly retro-gaming, coding :)

My non-Smalltalk experiences so far

As i said in study part, i've learned python especially to use it on my phone and make apps.

I also did some projects during my HCN years (using java C)

My Smalltalk experiences so far

An eye candy one (first internship with RMoD):

And i'm currently doing my second internship with RMoD team (working on continous integration)

Why am I interested in Smalltalk?

I discovered a really cool language which help me a lot to understand OOP

Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?

Of course. I want to be more implicated in Pharo and i will try to contribute it next year

Updated: 12.4.2013