
Improving Roassal Scalability

Mentor: Vanessa Pena-Araya
Second mentor: Usman Bhatti
Level: Intermediate
Submitted proposal to Melange: Mathieu Dehouck
Invited students: Mathieu Dehouck
Students interested: Benjamin Arezki, Tomas Carrasco Escaff, Mathieu Dehouck, Vitalii Melnyk


The Roassal visualization engine is getting more users in the Smalltalk community every day. This means more complex visualizations are created using Roassal, and the amount of data the user wants to represent is larger. However Roassal is still behind to answer this demands as it lacks from scalability for big visualizations, resulting in very slow displaying and events answering.

In this project we plan to fix this problem and allow Roassal to become a efficient tool.

Technical Details

In this project the student will define and implement a strategy for faster displaying for the visualizations and events reaction. This includes understanding the techniques currently used in other visualization tools.

Benefits to the Student

  • Learn and understand Roassal, including its structure and design,
  • Learn graphical tools techniques mainly for rendering and event responding.

Benefits to the Community

Allowing the community to have a faster and efficient visualization tool, making Roassal a powerful visualization engine and answering to the demand to render large amount of data.

Updated: 9.4.2013