Biography for David Imanol Franco

Briefly about me

I'm From Argentina. Engineering student, I move two times and I studied at two different Universities. I like interact with people that belongs to other countries or have different cultures. I like art, history, philosophies and sports further sciences and IT. I like to learn all that i can.

About my study

I'm studding at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, the computer engineering career. I also studied at Universidad de Buenos Aires for 3 years. I  studied basic sciences, like maths, phisycs and chemistry. I have learned some develop languages like C,C++,Pascal, C## and Java. Many years ago I wrote code on Visual Basic and Fox Pro, like a hobbies.

My interests

I'm interested on interaction between hardware and software, i want to understand and create embedded systems, or maybe systems that interact whit other areas of engineering, maybe mechanics  hydraulic. I like specially open hardware and software, I think that's great the fact of share knowledge with everyone.

My non-Smalltalk experiences so far

I developed an application in Java with other 2 friends, that works like "Flight Control" application. Our model was aimed to  know MVC pattern and how its works. We used a librarie Open-source that worked like a "MVC-Framework". It was cool. But we have to study more about MVC pattern implementation.

At C++ I develop, with other 2 friends a program that read an XML file and it "translate" its information and create a n-tree that contains the information. Furthermore we worked with lists, stacks and queues.

In Pascal I wrote basic code, like CRUD for some text or binaries archives  

My Smalltalk experiences so far

My smalltalk expierence is not so intensive. I used it to know about object-oriented programming and Unit-Tests. I developed a program that simulates a chess game, but i was not too arduos, beacuse it hadn't GUI. That work was a university practice.

Why am I interested in Smalltalk?

I'm interested in Smalltalk beacuse I like its philosophie that "everything is and object". It has power, every part of it is an object, and you have easy acces to change the way that everything works. I want to profit my experience coding at smalltalk.

Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?

 I hope that the project gives me a good experience with smalltalk, I worked on it and I like, but I think that I have to work hard to choice. I'm really enthusiastic

Updated: 21.4.2013