Briefly about me
- Computer Science graduate student on Faculty of Science in Zagreb, Department of Mathematics.
- Protagonist for open source and member of Free Software Croatia group
- Interested in programming and always searching for new adventures in field of computer science
- trying to implement all of my ideas for software
- always trying to simplify things by programming, such as python and bash scripts for GNU Linux OS
About my study
- first year student on Computer Science graduate study
- have special interest in software development, machine learning and system administration
My interests
- programming in applied mathematics
- sports
My non-Smalltalk experiences so far
- working on projects with dr. Goran Igaly. Theme of the projects was to upgrade Croatian - English dictionary (named EH.Txt) and for that purpose we created Croatian dictionary (HR.Txt) on which we work now so we can connect these two dictionaries
- student assistant on Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics in several courses
- IT technician at British Council
- web developer in Trikoder (Croatian company) where I worked with PHP programming language
- DAAD Summer School: building agent in RoboSoccer framework in Java
College projects:
- implementation AI agent in RoboCode framework (Java)
- web application for work hours accounting (which is used for college purposes, by students, for several years)
- face detection application (in progress) is project for Machine Learning course. It will be written in Java
My own projects:
- Scramble for Croatian language (still in progress): this project will be Android application and it will be multiplayer game. Game is written in PHP (server side) and Java (Android)
My Smalltalk experiences so far
Why am I interested in Smalltalk?
I'm interested because I want to learn new programming language and by what I read about it, Smalltalk is certainly a programming language I want to learn more about. Sure, I can use online tutorial and learn the basics but, I strongly believe that the best way to learn is by working on a project.
Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?
I don't know that at this moment, but if it shows up like useful and good language, maybe there is a chance for that.